Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Are you alive in there? Hello?

Happy fucking Tuesday! Since I wasn't at work yesterday, all that wonderful crap just melted over into today, making this afternoon one giant clusterfuck of work piled up HIGH on my desk. Not to mention my cell phone's off, so any business communications are greatly hampered. Although the feeling of being out of contact is pretty liberating, it's odd being without a phone.

Filed my tax "return" yesterday, only to find out I OWE the fucking IRS nearly four hundred dollars. That's a wonderful feeling, thinking you're about to get a check and instead, you recieve a bill. AND another bill, to file the FIRST fucking bill. What is the world coming to?

On that same topic, I noticed my first wrinkle today. I couldn't believe it. It's kind of a smile line, so maybe it doesn't count, but what next? Gray hairs? I'm far too young. This is bullshit.

Haven't been good and high in a very long time, and this sobriety shit is really starting to wear on me. Again, have I mentioned I really can't wait for my tax return? Well, not mine, I guess, since I personally don't have shit coming from the I.R.S, it falls to me to appropriate my boyfriend's, as he is in jail and currently unable to file OR spend his. Well, he could spend it, given enough time, even in jail. The boyfriend is a completely different post, but I'll go over the basics. Currently incarcerated (release date 2/20/10, application in for electronic monitoring at home), fabulously interesting, smart, funny, also extremely mean sometimes. Also an ex-user.

I hate that phrase. Ex-user. Just like I hate ex-junkie. The whole facade that comes along with it, too. "Oh, I've moved PAST that phase in my life, I'm better than that now!" Whatever, like you wouldn't kill small animals to be as dipped as I am right now. Cut the crap. Recovering addict, my ass. Sorry, but this is one of my great pet peeves. Oddly enough.

Okay, well, I have a zillion and two errands and odd things I need to do, so more later. Or something.


  1. Hello!! thought that I would take this glorious opportunity to be your very first follower...someone is listening!

    I found your site by your comment on Noah's blog - but i don't get why you vehemently states that he SUCKS...I am obviously missing something (oops, my blonde is starting to show)... :)

  2. Oh, oh, oh. Well, he may or may not suck. I don't know. I was just expressing some opiate envy.

  3. opiate envy i know very well but in my fantasticational head was never able to accept the reality that the high and the addiction of opiates seem to be one and the same mechanism, which is one great fucker
